GLUNSER Network of Experts is the area in charge of providing services directed to university experts and business professionals, who are interested in collaborating with each other and developing projects of common interest for the University and the Company.
The University and the Company have collaborated extensively over the years, but the members of both communities are not always aware of the paths they must follow in order to connect with each other and thus be able to develop their projects or achieve their professional goals.
GLUNSER offers advice, assistance and support to its experts in order to facilitate their integration and promote joint collaborations. It also makes available to the experts of its Network, the possibility to participate in the projects developed through the GLUNSER Universities and GLUNSER Companies areas.
The 5 objectives of GLUNSER Expert Network
Promoting the execution of projects that make great ideas a reality, through collaboration between experts from universities and professionals from the business world.
Providing opportunities and appropriate working conditions for members of the GLUNSER Expert Network.
Identifying and add experts to the development of academic projects, carried out jointly between the University and the Company.
Facilitating collaboration between experts from the University and the Company.
Financing the design, development and implementation of great ideas and projects.
Benefits of Joining the GLUNSER Expert Network
Possibility of being chosen to participate in international projects, in collaboration with universities and companies of reference.
Increased international professional visibility.
Obtaining compensation for the work done based on previous experience, dedication and demonstrated ability in the project.
Opportunity of being in contact with other experts of your area of knowledge.
Generation of job opportunities.
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